Historical non-fiction

Catherine The Great: Portrait of a Woman.

An in-depth biography of one of the most resilient, intelligent and wittiest monarchs of the 18th c.....
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The Gallic War .

Envious of Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus's exploits in the Mediterranean Sea, Julius Caesar understands tha.....
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Boudica .

I am always looking forward to learning more about the Iron Age and Celtic history. So, when I saw .....
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Liberty or Death.

Liberty or Death: the French Revolution is an extraordinarily detailed historical piece written by .....
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City of Light, City of Poison.

When Nicolas de La Reynie, Paris police chief, is tasked to investigate mysterious deaths among the.....
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My book review rating system

   5 golden books = Amazing reading experience

   4 silver books = Great reading experience

   3 bronze books = Satisfying reading experience

  2 lilac books = Unsatisfying reading experience

  1 dark green book = Disappointing reading experience